Full Circle, Part 2

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Full Circle, Part 2
Produced for: The Phantom #1777 (2017)
# of pgs: 32
Writer: Lou Manna
Artist: Lou Manna
Original colorist: Mike Coffey
Producer: Frew Publications

"Full Circle, Part 2" is a 2017 Frew story by Lou Manna.

Plot synopsis

Continuing from when the 20th Phantom ended his fight with Victor Otto, the 21st Phantom learns that his family has been captured and held hostage. The Phantom figures out where they are and races through the rain on Hero to the site where the boxes containing the part of an atom bomb are being recovered and confronts the Victor and Erik Otto.


Recurring characters

One-time characters

  • Jim Simmons





  • Box containing parts for atom bomb

Related stories

Preceded by

Behind the scenes

  • The story was originally intended to be published by Moonstone Books but ended up being first published by Frew.
  • It is not clear if Jim Simmons is an alias of Erik Otto or a separate person working for Erik.
  • The 21st and the 20th Phantom have very similar experiences fighting the Otto father and son.


This story has been published in the following publications:

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