PhantomWiki:Style Guide

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This PhantomWiki information/guidance page is currently work in progress. Its use and/or design is yet to be resolved, and the page will remain unprotected for everyone to edit until resolutions have been reached.
Please feel free to join the discussion!

The PhantomWiki Style Guide is meant to give the users helpful tips on how to present information in a consistent way.

Layout guide

There are several main types of articles, and each has its own layout that should be used consistently for all articles of that type. Note: not all headlines need to be used; only those that are applicable to the article in question. For example, a story may not be connected to any other story and in that case the headline Related stories can be omitted.

Story articles

The following headlines should be used for story articles:

  • Title and story template (Image for Title and story template should be uploaded)
  • Plot synopsis - This should be a short description of the story, a maximum of 100 words or 500 characters. The purpose is to get you a quick indication of what the story is about (and absolutely no spoilers). Like it is on the back of a book or a film.
    (This section was called Plot summary earlier, so if you are editing an article with that phrasing, please do change it to Plot synopsis)
    • Appearances - Headings that are not relevant for a particular story should be omitted
      • Recurring characters
      • One-time characters
      • Real-life characters
      • Locations
      • Tribes
      • Organizations
      • Vehicles / Ships (choose one)
      • Items / Objects (choose one)
      • Phantom lore
      • Deities and idols
      • Old Jungle Sayings
  • Related stories
    • Remake of
    • Remade as
    • Refers to
    • Referenced in
    • Follows
    • Followed by
  • Reprints
    • Name of country where the story has been reprinted

Character articles

  • Title and character template (Image for Title and character template should be uploaded)
  • Fictional character biography
    • According to ... (name of producer, i.e. Team Fantomen - for characters that have appeared in stories from various producers, the biography can be separated to show the differences in information given about this character.)
      • Articles should be have sub labels showing which story it is referring to by either using the stories name or veriation of to identify each section. (Images should be uploaded of the character depending on length of article and positioned in a way that complements the text while on alternate sides I.E starting on the left then right ect.)
    • Behind the scenes
  • Appearances (can be substituted for Notable appearances where appearance lists are incomplete)

Organization articles

  • Title and character template (Image for Title and character template should be uploaded)
  • Fictional Organization biography
    • According to ... (name of producer, i.e. Moonstone - for Organizations and their members that have appeared in stories from various producers, the biography can be separated to show the differences in information given about this Organization.)
      • Articles should be have sub labels showing which story it is referring to by either using the stories name or veriation of to identify each section.(Images should be uploaded of the Organization depending on length of article and positioned in a way that complements the text while on alternate sides I.E starting on the left then right ect.)
    • Behind the scenes
  • Appearances (can be substituted for Notable appearances where appearance lists are incomplete)

Issue articles

  • Title and issue template with the following parameters defined:
Title (the issue title and number)
image (scanned cover image)
Coverartist (name of cover artist)
Country (country of origin and language of issue)
Format (width × height in cm)
Pages (total number of pages, including covers - regardless of page numbering within the actual issue. Also color information)
Date (publishing date, as specific as possible)
Publisher (name of the publishing company)
Editor (name of the person listed as editor for the issue)
Preceded (link to preceding issue of the same series)
Followed (link to following issue of the same series)
isbn (ISBN or ISSN data if such exists [it is usually listed at the same place as the editorial staff])
  • Contents
    • Phantom stories
    • Other comics
    • Supplements
  • See also

Creator articles

etc. in the chronological order in which the creator started with them, "Other stories" should always be put at the end.
    • Covers
    • Posters
    • Other
  • External links

Formatting guide

Text formatting is used to help distinguish between various types of articles:

Examples: The Phantom is a character in the comic strip "The Phantom", which has been reprinted in the comic book The Phantom.

Image guide

The purpose of cover scans and story panels are only to make the issues/stories easy to identify. Longer panel sequences from stories should be avoided, aswell as high resolution cover scans.

Longer articles may warrant more images, but at least one image per article is recommended. When placed in articles, images should be sized at approximately 200px for template pictures and 250px for general article images.

See also