Bengali Times

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The Phantom reading about the museum killer in "The Phantom - Man or Myth?", art by Alex Saviuk

Bengali Times is a daily newspaper in Morristown, in Team Fantomen stories. It is Bengali's largest newspaper. Hunted

Its editor Dick was loyal to president Lubanga when he was in power.



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Title Reason
"Return of the Scorpia" The Phantom reads the newspaper in The Skull Cave
"The Cloud Pirates Imperial Airways plane lost over unexplored jungle (headline)
"The Drug Farm" The Phantom visits the newspaper office
"Election in Bengali, Part 2: The Loser" Luaga is holding the newspaper
"Hunted" Luaga visits the newsroom
"The Triads, Part 1: Deadly Cargo" Ship's crew murdered. Jungle Patrol guilty? (headline)
"The Snake Cult, Part 2" Our Dick is dead! (headline)
"The Island of Death" A paperboy sells the newspaper on the street
"Nautilus" Legendary submarine found (headline)
"The Monument" Morristown's new police commissioner (headline)
"The Crystal Skull" Earthquake in Mexico (headline)
"Island of Vengeance" Movie director blacklisted (headline)
"The Black Cat" Famous diamond stolen (headline)
"The Bank Robbers" Guard killed at prison escape (headline)
"The Phantom - Man or Myth?" Museum killer strikes again (headline)
"The Philosopher's Stone, Part 1: Phoenix Reborn" Read by plane passenger
"Death in Cyberspace" Computer genius in Morristown (headline)
"Return of the Commander, Part 2" Police raid on mafia meeting (headline)
"Dogai - The Road to Power" Prince kidnapped by unknown (headline)
"Blood Rain" Lamba princess gets scholarship (headline)


Cover Issue
Giant Size Phantom2 26.jpg "Giantsize Phantom #26"