Fantomet 14/1983

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Fantomet 14/1983
(#399 since the start 1964)
Fantomet 198314.jpg
Cover artist: Knut Westad
Country/language: Mini norway.gif Norway /
Format: 17 × 26 cm
Pages: 100 pgs, b/w
Publishing date: July 5, 1983
Editor: Petter Engbo
Publishing company: Semic/Nordisk Forlag
Preceded by: Fantomet 13/1983
Followed by: Fantomet 15/1983

Fantomet 14/1983 was a regular issue of Norwegian comic book Fantomet, published in 1983.


Phantom stories

Other comics

  • "Gaston Lagaffe" by André Franquin
  • "Sirkus" by Tommy Sydsæter and Arild Midthun
  • "Den flygende hånden" by ?
  • "Silent Knight" by Robert Kanigher and Irv Novick
  • "Mandrake the Magician" by Lee Falk and Phil Davis