Serie Economici Albi Grandi Avventure 12

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Serie Economici Albi Grandi Avventure Nerbini #12

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Cover artist: unknown

Country/language: Mini italy.gif Italy / Italian
Format: 20 × 14.5 cm
Pages: 16 pgs, b/w
Publishing date: June 5, 1949
Editor: ?
Publishing company: Casa Editrice Nerbini
Preceded by: Serie Economici Albi
Grandi Avventure
Followed by: none

Serie Economici Albi Grandi Avventure #12 was the last issue of the Italian comic book Serie economici albi grandi avventure, published in 1949. The issue has been reprinted as facsimile editions in the 1970s.


Phantom stories