Darryl Banks

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Darryl Banks is an American comic book artist who has produced covers for Moonstone Books' Phantom comic series.


Darryl Banks is an African-American comic book artist. He worked on one of the first painted comic books, Cyberpunk and teamed with the writer Mark Ellis to revamp the long-running "The Justice Machine" series for two publishers, Innovation and Millennium.

At Millennium he produced a mini-series based on The Wild Wild West TV series and a comics adaptation of Doc Savage with The Monarch of Armageddon.

Banks is perhaps best known for his run on Green Lantern (Vol. 3), which ran from issue 50 till 142 (though there were many fill-ins). Along with co-creating Kyle Rayner, he's responsible for designing costumes for Parallax, Grayven, Fatality, and Dr. Light.

Phantom work by Darryl Banks


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