The Voyaging Canoe

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The Voyaging Canoe
Start date: April 30, 2007
End date: August 25, 2007
# of strips: 102 (17 weeks)
Writer: Tony DePaul
Artist: Paul Ryan
Original colorist: unknown
Preceded by: "The Jungle Gang"
Followed by: "Graffiti Phantom"

"The Voyaging Canoe" is the 220th Phantom daily story. The story was written by Tony DePaul and drawn by Paul Ryan.

Plot Summary

"The Voyaging Canoe" is one of the few Phantom stories written with two interlocking plots. Both plots involve young persons being thrust into situations that test them to their limits.

On the one hand, an American family - father, mother and young daughter - are going on a cruise on a private yacht with the father's business partner, whom they know to be a criminal.

On the other, a group of Mori youths are going out in their canoes on a punishing voyage, as a test of manhood. One of the canoes carries the son of the Mori chief, with the Phantom as the crew's guardian.

The scene on the yacht soon becomes murderous, as the crooked businessman plans to eliminate the entire family. The young girl decides to save her parents' lives by diving into the sea. Swimming in the fog, she approaches the Phantom's canoe and is rescued by Devil.

Learning of the situation, the Phantom and the young Mori withdraw from the canoe race and head for the yacht. Skilful use of Mori martial-arts skills with paddles soon subdues the treacherous crew who helped the villain. The Phantom takes the boys, who are now men, back to their homes and parents, and Devil helps the young heroine take the yacht to a safe port.

An interesting story, which gave us more of Devil than we usually see.

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This story has been published in the following publications:

Mini australia.gif Australia

Mini finland.gif Finland

Mini india.gif India

Mini norway.gif Norway

Mini sweden.gif Sweden

Mini usa.gif USA