The Phantom publications in Sweden

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The Phantom has been featured in several publications in Sweden.


The Phantom ("Fantomen" in Swedish) was introduced in Sweden in 1940, when the weekly magazine Vecko-Revyn started to include dailies and Sunday stories. Beginning in 1944, material from Vecko-Revyn was collected in annual "Christmas Albums", the first Swedish publications to focus on The Phantom. The Christmas Albums continues to be published, with its 80th issue released for Christmas 2023, but the connection to Vecko-Revyn is long gone.

In 1950, the first issue of the fortnightly comic book Fantomen was published, and by mid 2023, the 1726th issue was released. Since 1963 Phantom stories have been produced directly for Fantomen, with its 1000th story published in 2021 and, as of 2023, over 1000 stories have been created by the so-called "Team Fantomen".

Being one of Sweden's most profilic comic books, "Fantomen" has spawned several one-shots and periodicals (Fantomen Krönika enjoying the longest run, 1993-2010) and Phantom comics have also appeared in other comic books and in anthologies. Since 2002, the earliest Fantomen issues are reprinted in chronological hard cover volumes, Fantomen - Den inbundna årgången, which, as of 2023, has reached the year of 1972.

Comics syndicate Bulls Press is the longtime rightsholder of The Phantom in Sweden, while the main publisher of the comic books has been Semic Press until 1997, and Egmont Publishing thereafter.

Serialized "The Phantom" titles

Title Year(s) Issues
Fantomen Christmas Album 1944–present 80*
Fantomen 1950-present 1735*
Serie-pocket 1972–1985 14
Fantomenböckerna 1973 4
Fantomen (Avon reprint) 1978 4
Samlade Serierariteter 1986–1987 6
Fantomen Krönika 1993–2010 100
Den vandrande vålnaden 1996 9
Fantomen Krönika Band 1999–2003 6
Sy Barry Söndagsäventyr 2001–2003 3
Fantomen - Den inbundna årgången 2002–present 81*
De bästa äventyren 2004 4
Fantomen Softcover Books 2015–present 9*

*As of the turn of 2023/2024.

"The Phantom" one-shots

Title Year
Fantomens stora presentbok 1970
Den förste Fantomen - Fången i Himalaya 1971
Stora Fantomenboken 1973
Stora jubileumsboken 1975
SOS-boken 1977
Piratbruden Flame 1980
Fantomen 1984
Comics '85 1985
Fantomendagen på Grönan 1986
Krönika över en vandrande vålnad 1990
Sy Barry - en jubileumskrönika 1961-1991 1991
Djungelsnö 1992
Betapocket 1993
En odödlig legend 1996
Lee Falk - mannen som skapade Fantomen 1999
Wilson McCoy - de opublicerade äventyren 2000
Parken Zoo Extra 2008
Fantomen Kids: Kit och Heloise på äventyr 2019
Mörkrets hjärta 2022
Den hemliga krönikan 2023
Älskade pirat 2024

Anthology appearances

Title Year
Comics - Den stora serieboken 1 1970
Comics - Den stora serieboken 2 1971
Comics - Den stora serieboken 3 1972
Seriepressen 1983
Serieboken 1986
Serietidningen (8 issues) 1987
Cheese Comics 1991
Comics - Serierna 100 år 1996
Egmont Publishing Comics 2018

As backup title

Title Issue(s)
Mandrake 1-2/1967 (2 in total)
Blixt Gordon 2-3/1967 (2 in total)
Mannen från U.N.C.L.E. 14 (1 in total)
(Agent) X9 1/1969-3/1971 & 10/1994 (25 in total)

In newspapers

This list is incomplete - you can help PhantomWiki by expanding it.

Title Sundays/dailies Period Comment
Arbetet Sundays ?–1994
Aurora dailies ?–?
Barometern dailies ?–2019
sample strips
Blekinge läns tidning dailies ?–2000
sample strips
Bohusläningen dailies ?–2014, 2017-present
Borlänge Tidning dailies ?–2007
Borås Tidning dailies 2019 sample strips
Bärgslagsbladet dailies ?–1993
Eesti Päevaleht dailies 1975–1994 in Estonian
Elfsborgs Läns Allehanda dailies ?–1991
Eskilstuna-Kuriren dailies ?–1996
Expressen dailies ?–?
Falköpings Tidning dailies ?–2023
Falu-Kuriren dailies ?–2007
Folkbladet dailies ?-1985, 1986–2018
Gefle Dagblad dailies ?–2009
Gotlands Tidningar dailies ?–2000
Göteborgs-Posten dailies 1983, 1989–1990, 1992-1993
Göteborgs-Tidningen dailies 1957–1989
Halland dailies 1942–1951
Hallandsposten dailies ?–20??, 2017-present
Helsingborgs Dagblad dailies ?–2001
Jönköpings-Posten dailies ?–2024
Karlshamns Allehanda dailies 2019 sample strips
Karlskoga-Kuriren dailies ?–2003
Katrineholmskuriren dailies ?–199?
Kristiandstadsbladet dailies ?–2002
sample strips
LK. dailies ?–2015 The newspaper is two newspapers in one - Linköpings tidning and Kindaposten
Motala Tidning dailies ?–1986–?
Nerikes Allehanda dailies 1943–1988 as "Fantomen Dragos" until 1948; as "Dragos" until 1988
Norra Västerbotten dailies 1944–2006 as "Dragos" until 2003
Norrbottens-Kuriren dailies ?–2009
Norrköpings Tidningar dailies ?–2008
Norrtelje Tidning dailies ?–2003
Nya Wermlands-Tidningen dailies ?–2006
Oskarshamnstidningen dailies 2019 sample strips
Piteå-Tidningen dailies ?–1969–?
Sala Allehanda dailies ?–1993
Skaraborgs Läns Tidning dailies ?–2023
Skånska Dagbladet dailies ?–2009
Skövde Nyheter dailies ?–1996
Smålands Dagblad dailies ?–2023
Smålands-Tidningen dailies ?–2023
Smålandsposten dailies ?–2019
sample strips
Smålänningen Sundays
Sundsvalls Tidning dailies ?–2001
Svenska Dagbladet dailies 1942–present as "Dragos" until 1980
Sölvesborgstidningen dailies 2019 sample strips
Tidningen Ångermanland dailies 200?–2014
Tranås Tidning dailies ?–2023
Trelleborgs Allehanda dailies ?–2001
sample strips
Ulricehamns Tidning dailies ?–2003
Upsala Nya Tidning dailies ?–2003
Vadstena Tidning dailies ?–1986–?
Vetlanda-Posten dailies ?–2023
Vimmerby Tidning dailies ?–2015
Värnamo Nyheter dailies ?–2023
Västernorrlands Allehanda dailies ?–2000
Västerviks-Posten dailies ?–2015
Västgöta-Bladet dailies ?–2023
Västgöta Tidningar dailies ?–present
Ystads Allehanda dailies ?–1997
as "Dragos" until 19??
sample strips
Örnsköldsviks Allehanda dailies ?–2014
Östersunds-Posten dailies 194?–1996 as "Dragos"
Östgöten dailies ?-1985, 1986–1997 The newspaper was an edition of Folkbladet.

In magazines

This list is incomplete - you can help PhantomWiki by expanding it.

Title Sundays/dailies Period Comment
Hemmets Veckotidning Sundays 1978-1987 color
Lektyr Sundays 1985–1987 b/w
Vecko-Revyn various 1940–1976 b/w/r, color

Seriewikin.gif This article, in the version of 12:02, 11 April 2008 (CEST), includes information from Seriewikin: Fantomen#Svensk_dags-_och_veckopresspublicering.

Reference publications

Title Year
Thud #17 1972
Serier i Sverige - Seriekatalogen 1982-83 1983
Splasch Magazine 1995
Bild & Bubbla 3/2000 2000
Från lila vålnad till blågul hjälte 2010
Lee Falk – Berättaren 2011
Lee Falk – Storyteller 2011
Skörvnöpparn 2013
Rolf Gohs – Ett tecknarliv 2017
Bild & Bubbla 1/2020 2020