Terry Austin

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Terry Austin
Biographical information
Born: August 23, 1952
Died: N/A
Nationality: Mini usa.gif American
Occupation: Cover artist
Website: N/A

Terry Austin is an American comic book artist, working primarily as an inker, who has produced covers for Moonstone Books' Phantom comic series.


Austin got his start as an assistant to Dick Giordano, before coming to prominence inking Marshall Rogers' pencils on a celebrated run of Batman stories for DC Comics in the mid-1970s (collaborating with writer Steve Englehart). Austin then moved to Marvel Comics, where he and penciller John Byrne became the new art team on Uncanny X-Men in 1977. With writer Chris Claremont, they produced a series of stories - particularly The Dark Phoenix Saga - that turned the title into the top-selling American comic.

Austin decided to leave Uncanny X-Men in 1981, after learning of Byrne's departure, and has since worked on a variety of titles for both Marvel and DC, including Doctor Strange (over the pencils of Rogers, Paul Smith and Dan Green), Superman (over Byrne), Justice League America (over Kevin Maguire) and Green Lantern (over Darryl Banks).

Austin's extremely smooth yet precise style has been highly influential on the inkers that have followed him, such as Andy Lanning, Scott Williams and Art Thibert.

He has also worked as a writer, primarily for Marvel's X-Men titles and a short run on the Bill Mantlo/Ed Hannigan-created characters Cloak and Dagger.

His rare pencilling jobs can be seen the covers of Uncanny X-Men Nos. 123 and 142.

His work has won him a good deal of recognition over the years, including the Comics Buyer's Guide Fan Award for Favorite Inker of 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1996, and 1997.

Phantom Works by Terry Austin


Wikipedia-logo.png This article, in the version of May 27, 2008, includes information from Wikipedia: Terry Austin (comics).