Trouble in the Twelve Nations

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Trouble in the Twelve Nations
Trouble in the Twelve Nations.jpg
Start date: December 27th, 2015
End date: June 19th, 2016
# of strips: 26
Writer: Tony DePaul
Artist: Terry Beatty
Original colorist: Terry Beatty
Preceded by: "The Battlements
of the Nomad
Followed by: "The Wiseguy"

"Trouble in the Twelve Nations" is the 183rd Phantom Sunday story. The story was written by Tony DePaul and drawn by Terry Beatty.

Plot synopsis

Monar campaigns in the vote for President of Lotharton. King Lothar is helping his cousin campaign because he believes there is a plot against him. Mandrake and the Phantom discuss the danger, believing Otanko is setting a trap to get revenge on Lothar.


Recurring characters

One-time characters

  • Monar, Lothar's cousin and vice-president
  • Otanko of Otaha, called "Mr Smith"
  • Mrs Smith, Otanko's wife.




  • 12 Nations Daily Post, Lotharton newspaper
  • Inter-intel
  • The Tribune, newspaper showing Otanko victory

Phantom lore

Old jungle sayings

  • There are times when the Phantom leaves the jungle and walks the streets of the town like an ordinary man!
  • Voice of the angry phantom chills the Blood.
  • It is terror for an evil man to awake in darkness and see the Phantom.

Behind the scenes

  • Alex Saviuk was an uncredited assistant on this story.
  • The Phantom avoids leaving a skull mark on some assailants in order to not alert Lothar to his presence.

Related stories

Refers to


This story has been published in the following publications:

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Mini india.gif India

Mini jamaica.gif Jamaica

Mini Kenya.gif Kenya

Mini mexico.gif Mexico

  • "Problemas en la doces naciones", El Informador August 20, 2017 – February 4, 2018

Mini norway.gif Norway

Mini philippines.gif The Philippines

Mini sweden.gif Sweden

Mini usa.gif USA