The Prisoner of the Himalayas

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The Prisoner of the Himalayas
Prisoner of the Himalayas.jpg
Start date: February 7th, 1938
End date: June 18th, 1938
# of strips: 114 (19 weeks)
Writer: Lee Falk
Artist: Ray Moore
Original colorist: N/A
Preceded by: "Little Toma"
Followed by: "Adventure in Algiers"

"The Prisoner of the Himalayas" is the fifth Phantom daily story. The story was written by Lee Falk and drawn by Ray Moore.

Plot synopsis

The Phantom stops a marriage between Diana Palmer and "Bob", whom Lily, her mother, had convinced her to marry. He is then tasked by Scotland Yard to investigate the country of Barogar, where he discovers the Maharajah's physician, Count Bart, has covered up the Maharajah's death by natural causes, kidnapped his son, Rajah Gar, and planned to wed the Princess Karene while usurping power from the young Rajah in order to rule the country. The Phantom upsets the Count's plans with the help of Captain Dudley of Colonial Services and Shiva, a woman in love with Count Bart.

After Rajah Gar is rescued and restored to power, pity is taken on Count Bart and he is exiled from the country where he can build an honest life with Shiva.


Recurring characters

One-time characters

  • The Count
  • Jerry
  • Bob
  • The Maharajah of Barogar
  • Count Bart
  • Captain Dudley
  • Shiva
  • Burdiv
  • Shan



  • Scotland Yard

Behind the scenes

  • Diana's mother makes her first appearance, and meets the Phantom for the first time. Her name is given as Mrs. E.V. Palmer
  • Four men propose to Diana – The Count, Jerry, Bob, and the Phantom. Diana even gets engaged to Bob, but the Phantom appears at her wedding, and snatches her away from the ceremony.

Related stories

Refers to


This story has been published in the following publications:

Mini argentina.gif Argentina

Mini australia.gif Australia

Mini brazil.gif Brazil

Mini denmark.gif Denmark

Mini finland.gif Finland

Mini france.gif France

Mini kingdomitaly.gif Mini italy.gif Italy

Mini mexico.gif Mexico

Mini Portugal.gif Portugal

Mini nz.png New Zealand

Mini norway.gif Norway

Mini Portugal.gif Portugal

Mini spainunderfranco (first).gif Mini spain.gif Spain

Mini sweden.gif Sweden

Mini switzerland.gif Switzerland

Mini turkey.gif Turkey

Mini usa.gif USA

Mini kingdomyugoslavia.png Mini yugoslavia.png Yugoslavia

  • "Fantom u Indiji (Tajna maloga Tome razjašnjena)", Hrvatski dnevnik June 12, 1938 – November 13, 1938
  • "Фантом против демона" (romanized as "Fantom protiv demona), Truba #43#55 (1938; redrawn by unknown local artist and edited together with "Little Toma")
  • "Фантом у Скотланд Јарду" (romanized as "Fantom u Skotland Jardu"), Mika Miš #292#335 (1939)
  • "Фантом у Скотланд Јарду" (romanized as "Fantom u Skotland Jardu"), Zabavnik #68#69 (1940)
  • Pegaz #7 (1978)
  • "Alijev karavan", Biblioteka Nostalgija #7 (1988)