The Phantom Legends: The Path to the Skull Cave

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The Phantom Legends
The Path to the Skull Cave
1st publication: Fantomen 24/1972
# of pages: 1
Writer: based on Lee Falk stories
Artist: based on Sy Barry stories
Producer: Semic Press
Preceded by: "The Evil and the Good Mark"
Followed by: "The Bandar People"

Plot summary

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This story has been published in the following publications:

Mini czech.gif Czech Republic

  • "Legenda o Fantomovi 5.kapitola: Cesta do jeskyně Umrlčí lebky", Fantom #4 (1992)

Mini denmark.gif Denmark

  • "Fantomet legenden Kapitel 5: Veien til kraniegrotten", Fantomet #58 (1976)

Mini finland.gif Finland

Mini hungary.gif Hungary

  • "Fantom legendája 5. fejezet: Út a haláfejes barlanghoz", Fantom #3 (1989)

Mini india.gif India

Mini italy.gif Italy

Mini norway.gif Norway

Mini poland.gif Poland

  • "Fantom-Legenda Rozdiał 5: Droga do groty trupiej czaszki", Fantom 4/1992

Mini russia.gif Russia

  • "Фантом-Легенда часть 5: Дорога к Гроту мертвой головы", Fantom #4 (1993)

Mini slovakia.gif Slovakia

  • "Legenda o Fantómovi 5. kapitola: Cesta do Lebkovej jaskyne", Fantóm #4 (1992)

Mini sweden.gif Sweden

Mini germany.gif West Germany

  • "Phantom Story 5 - Der Dschungel von Bengali", Topix #7 (1976)