The Golden Fleece, Part 3: Medea's Revenge

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The Golden Fleece, Part 3:
Medea's Revenge
Produced for: Fantomen 16/1997
# of pgs: 30
Writer: Claes Reimerthi
Artist: Joan Boix
Original colorist: Times Graphics Singapore
Producer: Semic Press

"The Golden Fleece, Part 3: Medea's Revenge" is a 1997 Team Fantomen story, written by Claes Reimerthi, with art by Joan Boix.

Plot synopsis

In the autumn of 1783 the 12th Phantom is travelling through Cornwall when he interrupts highwaymen from robbing the passengers of a coach. The masked leader of the robbers is only known as Black Bart. The Phantom spends the night in nearby Cromwell, intrigued by the boisterous justice of the peace, Jason Flynn and his young wife Medea. Following her at dusk, he learns that the leader of the robbers is Medea's brother Ben Murphy who has been blackmailed by somebody unknown to become a robber.


Recurring characters

One-time characters

  • Ben Murphy (Black Bart)
  • Will Bartlet, robber
  • Jason Flynn, justice of the peace
  • Medea Flynn, Jason Flynn's wife
  • Cadwell, Flynn's servant
  • Janet, Medea Flynn's maid
  • Captain Arnaud


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This story has been published in the following publications:

Mini australia.gif Australia

Mini finland.gif Finland

Mini norway.gif Norway

Mini sweden.gif Sweden