The Golden Circle (daily story)

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The Golden Circle
Golden Circle.jpg
Start date: September 4th, 1939
End date: January 20th, 1940
# of strips: 120 (20 weeks)
Writer: Lee Falk
Artist: Ray Moore
Original colorist: N/A
Preceded by: "The Mysterious Girl"
Followed by: "The Sea Horse"

"The Golden Circle" is the 11th Phantom daily story. The story was written by Lee Falk and drawn by Ray Moore.

Plot synopsis

Diana Palmer is fully recovered and, according to her doctor, ready to learn that the Phantom lives. Lieutenant Byron, however, having looked after Diana during her recovery, has fallen in love and attempts to hide the Phantom's survival from her, asking her hand in marriage instead. His plans fails, though when the Phantom learns of his plot he takes pity on Byron as he believes any man could fall in love with Diana. The Phantom and Diana reunite briefly before Lily Palmer intervenes, expressing her disapproval of the Phantom as a suitor; Diana decides to abscond with her mother in an effort to change her mind, splitting the lovers once again, at least for the time being.

On his return home aboard a train, the Phantom is implicated in a murder by two women wearing golden pins. While being hunted by Parisian inspectors, The Phantom tracks the golden pins to their manufacturer, and then to its customer, a shady pawn dealer in Paris. Allowing himself to be captured, the Phantom discovers a gang of female thieves called the Golden Circle, marked by an identical pin each wears. While imprisoned by the gang, he manages to sow discord by romancing both its leader, Mara, and another member named Fifi into fighting over his affections; His plan slightly backfires when Mara asks him to take her away from this life of crime, but the Phantom's love for Diana compels him to reveal the truth to Mara, resulting in her attempted execution of him. Aided by Fifi, the Phantom survives the attempt and uncovers the valuables the gang has stolen, and with proof in hand alerts the authorities.

The Golden Circle gang is locked away, with Fifi receiving some leniency given her aid to the Phantom.


Recurring characters

One-time characters

  • George
  • Fifi
  • Countess D'Orsay
  • Mara
  • Bella



Behind the scenes

  • For the third time in the history of the Phantom strip, the story begins with a recap of the origin of the Phantom.
  • The first three weeks have a storyline about the Phantom's and Diana's relationship that is unrelated to the rest of the story. These strips are often edited out of reprints, and it can be argued that they are a separate story and not part of "The Golden Circle".
  • Once again the Phantom is seen traveling in Cabin 14. Additionally he's seated in Compartment 14 when going by the Paris Express.
  • Lieutenant Byron proposes to Diana.
  • Mrs. Palmer tells the Phantom that he is not to marry Diana if he doesn't give up his mission to fight injustice, and get a normal job.
  • For the first time in the strip the Phantom gets to use his suit as a masquerade outfit.
  • The characters Fifi and Countess D'Orsay are most likely a reference to Fifi D'Orsay, "The French Bombshell", a Canadian born Hollywood actress known for her many portraits of young and carefree Parisian women during the 1930's and 1940's.

Related stories

Remade as

Refers to


This story has been published in the following publications:

Mini argentina.gif Argentina

Mini australia.gif Australia

Mini brazil.gif Brazil

Mini canada.gif Canada

Mini finland.gif Finland

Mini france.gif France

Mini italy.gif Italy

Mini nz.png New Zealand

Mini norway.gif Norway

Mini philippines.gif The Philippines

Mini spainunderfranco (first).gif Mini spain.gif Spain

Mini sweden.gif Sweden

Mini usa.gif USA

Mini kingdomyugoslavia.png Yugoslavia

  • "Fantomov suparnik" and "Fantom u borbi s družbom od “Kruga sa strjelicom”", Hrvatski dnevnik March 21, 1940 – July 22, 1940