The Game of Alvar

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The Game of Alvar
Game of Alvar.jpg
Start date: July 29th, 1940
End date: December 14th, 1940
# of strips: 120 (20 weeks)
Writer: Lee Falk
Artist: Ray Moore
Original colorist: N/A
Preceded by: "The Sea Horse"
Followed by: "Diana Aviatrix Lost"

"The Game of Alvar" is the 13th Phantom daily story. The story was written by Lee Falk and drawn by Ray Moore.

Plot synopsis

The Phantom and Diana Palmer are accosted by a pair of thugs while strolling the New York docks; After the Phantom dispatches the thugs, Diana notices they were guarding several suspicious crates marked Z.O.Z., though the Phantom is uninterested at first in pursuing the matter. Later, the two, along with Lily Palmer, take a cruise for relaxation, where Diana catches the eye of a Mr. Alvar, and, after learning his owning the Z.O.Z. company, decides to entertain him in order to investigate further. The Phantom, disguised as Mr. Walker, misunderstands the situation and trounces Alvar for his forwardness with Diana, which compels Alvar to send his thugs after the Phantom at the next port. The Phantom is taken away by the thugs before his quickly dispatches them and discovers more Z.O.Z. crates, which he finds contain weapons, revealing Alvar to be a gun smuggler; He attempts to notify the local police chief, but finds he as well as the Mayor are in Alvar's pocket. Narrowly escaping a squad of soldiers, the Phantom learns the Governor is an honest man and treks the countryside while evading more soldiers to reach him. The Governor, already suspicious of the mayor and police chief, has them both arrested while Alvar manages to escape.

Learning of Alvar's hideout from his secretary, the Phantom trails Alvar from his home to his yacht, where he is able to successfully capture him by threatening to use him as a human shield should Alvar's men try to shoot them, and the Phantom leaves Alvar at a local jail.


Recurring characters

One-time characters

  • Mr. Alvar



Behind the scenes

Title panel.
  • The title "The Game of Alvar" appears in the first strip of the story.
  • Although the contemporary Sunday stories have begun to refer to the home-country of The Phantom as Bengali, this story has Diana talking about Bengal.
  • The small island visited in the story remains unknown, just as its governor, chief of police and mayor. In many ways it resembles a Caribbean island, though.


This story has been published in the following publications:

Mini argentina.gif Argentina

Mini australia.gif Australia

Mini brazil.gif Brazil

Mini canada.gif Canada

Mini denmark.gif Denmark

Mini finland.gif Finland

Mini france.gif France

Mini kingdomitaly.gif Mini italy.gif Italy

Mini nz.png New Zealand

Mini norway.gif Norway

Mini philippines.gif The Philippines

Mini spainunderfranco.gif Mini spain.gif Spain

Mini sweden.gif Sweden

Mini turkey.gif Turkey

Mini usa.gif USA

Mini germany.gif West Germany