Super Albo - L'Uomo Mascherato (Fratelli Spada) 1962

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In the year 1962, a total of 13 issues of Italian comic book Super Albo - L'Uomo Mascherato was published with Phantom stories (26 in all).


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Cover gallery


Phantom stories

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Previously unpublished Newspaper stories

Issue Title Writer Artist
1 "The Haunted Castle" Falk unknown
3 "The Game of Alvar" Falk unknown
7 "The Mysterious Girl" Falk unknown
9 "The Werewolf" Falk unknown
11, 13 "Romance" Falk unknown
13 "The Flirtatious Princess" Falk unknown
15 "The Masked Marvel" Falk Mirabella
19 "Queen Samaris XII" Falk Lignante
21 "Princess Valerie" Falk unknown
25 "The Crooner" Falk unknown

Previously unpublished Fratelli Spada stories

Issue Title Writer Artist
1 "Spies in the Jungle" unknown Palasciano
5 "Captain Clarck" Fantoni unknown
17 "The Worshipers of Chaos" unknown Pratesi
19 "The Treasure of the Living Mummies" unknown Buzzelli
23 "The Ace of Spades" Ferri Ferri

Other comics

  • "Il coniglio selvatico" by ? (issue 21)
  • "La foca" by ? (issue 23)
  • "Il galago" by ? (issue 13)
  • "Il granchio solitario" by ? (issue 17)
  • "Le larve" by ? (issue 15)
  • "Le lucertore" by ? (issue 9)
  • "Pericoloso viaggiare" by unknown Fratelli Spada creators (issue 21)
  • "Il procione" by ? (issue 19)
  • "Le scimmie" by ? (issue 11)
  • "western story" by ? (issue 25)