Raul Buzzelli

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Raul Buzzelli
Biographical information
Born: 1932
Died: 1982
Nationality: Mini italy.gif Italian
Occupation: Artist
Website: N/A

Raul Buzzelli was an Italian comics artist.


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Phantom work by Raul Buzzelli


Fratelli Spada stories

# Original title Translated title Writer Artist Additional Team Fantomen artist
1 "Il tesoro delle mummie viventi" "The Treasure of the Living Mummies" ? Buzzelli
2 "L’unghiata della tigre" "The Tiger's Claw" ? Buzzelli
3 "Il Dio caduto dal cielo" "The God Fallen from the Sky" ? Buzzelli Wilhelmsson
4 "Caccia al Solitario" "Hunt for a Lonely" ? Buzzelli
5 "La piccola dea della pioggia" "The Little Goddess of the Rain" ? Buzzelli Thorell
6 "Un pittore tra le belve" "A Painter Among the Beasts" ? Buzzelli Wilhelmsson
7 "Il compleanno di Diana" "Diana's Birthday" ? Buzzelli
8 "Gli occhi verde della tigre" "The Green Eyes of the Tiger" ? Buzzelli Eralp
9 "Due giorni per morire" "2 Days to Die" ? Buzzelli
10 "I razziatori" "The Looters" ? Buzzelli
11 "La collera del Waninki" "The Wrath of Waninki" ? Buzzelli
12 "Un ciclone di folla" "A Storm of Madness" ? Buzzelli
13 "I signori della giungle" "The Lord of the Jungle" ? Buzzelli