Japan (location)

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This article is about Japan as a location within the Phantom universe.

Japan is a country in Asia.


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Team Fantomen stories

This list is incomplete - you can help PhantomWiki by expanding it.

Title Writer Artist Set in Comments
"In A Strange Land, Part 1 Reimerthi Spadari alternative 1536 What if the 1st Phantom swore the Oath in Japan?
"In A Strange Land, Part 2 Reimerthi Spadari alternative 1536 What if the 1st Phantom swore the Oath in Japan?
"The Last Shogun" Bull Maidagan present The 21st Phantom visits Osaka
"The Great Race" Worker Wilhelmsson, Eralp present Japan is mentioned
"Diana Abducted" Kharelli Vallvé present The 21st Phantom visits Tokyo
"The Devil's Brotherhood, Part 1: The Red Staff" Kharelli Lindahl present Japan is mentioned
"The Carnival of Death" Tierres Vallvé present
"The Gold Buddha Reimerthi Cruz present introduction to the story and the end placed to Japan

Moonstone stories

This list is incomplete - you can help PhantomWiki by expanding it.

Title Writer Artist Set in Comments
"Curse of the Phantom Part 1" Raab Derington 1624 The 4th Phantom visits Japan
"Race Against Death" Massie Daly 1889–90