Gli Albi delle grandi avventure

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Gli Albi delle grandi avventure has been released in 1947 in Italy by Casa Editrice Capriotti. The series was printed with a format 28 × 20 cm. There was six unnumbered issues with in total.

Published stories

Issue Italian title Original story title Artist(s)
"Il tesoro scomparso" "The Phantom's Treasure" (part 2) Moore
"La giustizia dei Bandar" "The Phantom's Treasure" (part 3) Moore
"Un furto nella caverna del teschio" "The Phantom's Treasure" (part 1) Moore
"Il rapimento del Marajah di Nimpore" "The Maharajah's Daughter" (part 1) McCoy
"Complotto nella reggia" "The Maharajah's Daughter" (part 2) McCoy
"La morte in agguato" "The Maharajah's Daughter" (part 3) McCoy

Issue overview