Germano Ferri

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Germano Ferri
Biographical information
Born: December 3, 1936
Died: December 19, 2021
Nationality: Mini italy.gif Italian
Occupation: Artist, Writer, and Cover artist
Website: N/A

Germano Ferri was an Italian comics artist.


Germano Ferri was born in Pesaro, Italy in December 1936.

Ferri was the most popular and the most productive artist that produced Phantom stories for Fratelli Spada in Italy. In total, Ferri made 40 stories from 1962 to 1973, most of which he presumably wrote himself.

In 1990, Ferri returned to the Phantom, this time in cooperation with Romano Felmang, another Italian artist that previously had produced Phantom stories for Fratelli Spada but now was a part of Team Fantomen. Ferri has produced Phantom stories with Felmang and covers on his own.

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Phantom work by Germano Ferri


Fratelli Spada stories

# Original title Translated title Writer Artist
1 "L'asso di picche" "The Ace of Spades" ? Ferri
2 "Pista verso la notte" "The Night Lane" ? Ferri
3 "La principessa di granito" "The Princess of Granite" ? Ferri
4 "Il pirata nero" "The Black Pirate" ? Ferri
5 "La valle dei giganti" "The Valley of the Giants" ? Ferri
6 "Le anime di pietra" "The Stone Spirits" ? Ferri
7 "Un'ereditiera nella giungla" "The Heiress in the Jungle" ? Ferri
8 "L'isola della voce misteriosa" "The Island of the Mysterious Voice" ? Ferri
9 "I fiori dell'oblio" "Flowers of Oblivion" ? Ferri
10 "Mistero a Morristown" "Mystery in Morristown" ? Ferri
11 "Nei cuore della giungla" "In the Heart of the Jungle" ? Ferri
12 "Dramma all'alba" "Drama at Dawn" ? Ferri
13 "I razziatori di avorio" "The Looters of Ivory" ? Ferri
14 "La regina delle ombre" "Queen of Shadows" ? Ferri
15 "Sfida all'Ombra" "Challenge to the Ghost who Walks" ? Ferri
16 "Il breve regno di Big Red" "The Short Reign of Big Red" ? Ferri
17 "Il segno dell'Ombra" "The Phantom's Mark" ? Ferri
18 "Nella giungla l'inferno" "Hell in the Jungle" ? Ferri
19 "Kunz il contrabbandiere" "Kunz, the Smuggler" ? Ferri
20 "L'anno della grande pioggia" "The Year of the Great Rain" ? Ferri
21 "Le scintille di pietra" "Sparks of Stone" ? Ferri
22 "Nancy e le olimpiadi" "Nancy and the Olympics" ? Ferri
23 "Punta corallo" "Coral Point" ? Ferri
24 "Un uomo rovinato" "A Ruined Man" ? Ferri
25 "Il Dio della montagna" "The Mountain God" ? Ferri
26 "Ribellione nella giungla" "Rebellion in the Jungle" ? Ferri
27 "La donna addormentata" "The Strange Girl" Ferri Ferri
28 "La diga" "The Dam" ? Ferri
29 "L'anno in cui l'Ombra mori" "The Year the Phantom Died" ? Ferri
30 "La banda dello zodiaco" "The Zodiac Gang" ? Ferri
31 "L'Ombra deve morire!" "The Phantom Must Die" ? Ferri
32 "Sole nero" "Black Sun" ? Ferri
33 "Strane visite" "Strange Visits" ? Ferri
34 "Ballo di Carnevale" "Carnival Ball" ? Ferri
35 "Il giudizio di Salomone" "Solomon's Judgment" Falk Ferri
36 "Nel pericolo" "In Danger" ? Ferri
37 "Due Ombre" "Two Phantoms" ? Ferri
38 "In trappola" "Trapped" ? Ferri
39 "Il padrone del mostro" "The Master of the Monster" ? Ferri
40 "L'uovo di luce" "The Lightning Egg" ? Ferri

Team Fantomen stories

# Title Writer Artist
1 "The Wings of Death" Tierres Felmang, Ferri
2 "Marineland Drug Menace" Tierres Felmang, Ferri
3 "Kingdom of the Amazons" Goodall Felmang, Ferri
4 "The Guardian Angel" Tierres Felmang, Ferri
5 "Marsh Fever" Avenell Felmang, Ferri
6 "Thief on Board" Avenell Felmang, Ferri
7 "The Last Mission" Tierres Felmang, Ferri
8 "White as Snow - Red as Blood" Moberg Felmang, Ferri
9 "Fiery Revenge" DePaul Felmang, Ferri
10 "Jungle Snow" Tierres Felmang, Ferri, Benny
11 "The Final Battle" Moberg Felmang, Ferri
12 "The Hidden People" DePaul Felmang, Ferri
13 "Samaris" Falk, Granberg Felmang, Ferri
14 "The Triads, Part 3: The Tiger Queen" Reimerthi Felmang, Ferri
15 "The Triads, Part 4: Death in Shanghai" Reimerthi Felmang, Ferri
16 "The Ghost of HMS Atropos" Worker Felmang, Ferri, Waldrag
17 "The Wreck in Bengali Bay" Avenell Felmang, Ferri, Benny
18 "The Wedding Gifts" Avenell Felmang, Ferri, Benny
19 "The Mermaids of Melo Straits" Falk, Granberg Felmang, Ferri
20 "Blood Brothers" Moberg Felmang, Ferri, Benny
21 "Land of the Totems" DePaul Felmang, Ferri, Morrik
22 "Tiger Girl" Falk, Granberg Felmang, Ferri
23 "Queen Pera the Perfect" Falk, Granberg Felmang, Ferri
24 "Dangerous Escape" Reimerthi Felmang, Ferri
25 "The Jungle Vampire" DePaul Felmang, Ferri
26 "The Curse of Djudju" DePaul Felmang, Ferri

Frew stories

# Title Writer Artist
1 "Expedition in the Jungle, Part 1" Ferri Ferri, Felmang
2 "Expedition in the Jungle, Part 2" Ferri Ferri, Felmang


Fratelli Spada covers

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Fantomen covers

Editoriale Mercury

Frew covers