Fantomet Kronologisk 15

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Fantomet Kronologisk 9-12/1970
(#15 since the start 2017)
Cover artist: Rolf Gohs
Country/language: Mini norway.gif Norway /
Format: 17 × 26 cm
Pages: 146 pgs, b/w
Publishing date: September 18, 2020
Editor: unknown
Publishing company: Egmont Kids Media Nordic AS
Preceded by: Fantomet Kronologisk #14
Followed by: Fantomet Kronologisk #16

Fantomet Kronologisk #15 is the fifteenth issue of Norwegian comic book Fantomet Kronologisk, published in 2020. It reprints Phantom stories from Fantomet 9/1970, 10/1970, 11/1970, and 12/1970.

There are two different front covers variants, one with distributor information for regular distribution and one without distributor information for subscribers.


Phantom stories