Fantom 3 (Semif)

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Фантом #3
Cover artist: Rolf Gohs
Country/language: Mini russia.gif Russia / Russian
Format: 17 × 26 cm
Pages: 36 pgs, full color
Publishing date: 1993
Editor: unknown
Publishing company: Semif
Preceded by: Fantom #2
Followed by: Fantom #4
ISSN 0206-3662

Fantom #3 (in Russian Фантом) was the third issue of the Russian comic book Fantom, published in 1993.


Phantom stories

  • (No Russian title given) ("The Founding of the Jungle Patrol") by Lee Falk and Sy Barry
  • "Фантом-Легенда часть 1: Бенгальские пираты" (romanized as "Fantom-Legenda čast 1: Bengalskiye piraty"; "The Singh Pirates")
  • "Фантом-Легенда часть 2: Первый Фантом" (romanized as "Fantom-Legenda čast 2: Perviy Fantom"; "The First Phantom")
  • "Фантом-Легенда часть 3: Странствующий дух" (romanized as "Fantom-Legenda čast 3: "Stranstvuyushchiy dukh"; "The Ghost who Walks")
  • "Фантом-Легенда часть 4: Символ зла и символ добра" (romanized as "Fantom-Legenda čast 4: Simvol zla i simvol dobra"; "The Evil and the Good Mark")

See also