El Diario La Prensa

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El Diario La Prensa is an American newspaper that published "The Phantom" Sunday strip from 19?? to 19?? in Spanish language with the title "El Fantasma".


El Diario La Prensa is the largest and oldest Spanish-language daily newspaper in New York City, and the oldest Spanish-language daily in the United States of America. The newspaper was created in 1963 through the merger of El Diario de Nueva York (established 1947) and La Prensa (established 1913).

Published stories

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Original story title Start date End date Comment
"Queen Samaris XII" ?, 1961 June 10, 1962 in El Diario de Nueva York
"Treasure of the Skull Cave" June 17, 1962 November 25, 1962
"The Astronaut and the Pirates" December 2, 1962 June 9, 1963 from May 2, 1963 in El Diario La Prensa
"Old Baldy" June 16, 1963 January 12, 1964
"The Giant Bird of Gandor" January 19, 1964 July 26, 1964
"The Founding of the Jungle Patrol" August 2, 1964 February 21, 1965
"The Great Web of Spidera" February 28, 1965 July 25, 1965
"Mystery of Wamba Falls Inn" August 1, 1965 November 21, 1965
"The Veiled Lady" November 28, 1965 June 5, 1966
"Rex King" June 12, 1966 January 8, 1967
"The Golden Sands of Keela-Wee" January 15, 1967 April 30, 1967
"The Lions of Kukhan" May 7, 1967 September 3, 1967