Easy Money

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Easy Money
Produced for: Fantomen 7/1986
# of pgs: 30
Writer: Michael Tierres
Artist: Georges Bess
Original colorist: N/A
Producer: Semic Press

"Easy Money" is a 1986 Team Fantomen story, written by Michael Tierres, with art by Georges Bess.

Plot synopsis

After a successful bank robbery, the bank robbers hide among the cast and crew at a movie set in Sanloi. When The Phantom visits Sanloi with Rex and Tom-Tom, the kids are offered a chance to work as extras on the set.


Recurring characters

One-time characters

  • Dewey, driver
  • Chuck, bank robber
  • Kelp, bank robber
  • Art, bank robber
  • Maxie, film director
  • Lou, criminal detective


Behind the scenes

Two of the villains are drawn to look like the main characters Luca Torelli and Rascal from the mafia comic "Torpedo".


This story has been published in the following publications:

Mini brazil.gif Brazil

Mini denmark.gif Denmark

Mini finland.gif Finland

Mini norway.gif Norway

Mini sweden.gif Sweden