Ben Oakes

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Ben Oakes
First appearance: "The Ghost Pirates"
Created by: Norman Worker & Jaime Vallvé

Colonel Ben Oakes was colonel of the Jungle Patrol in the days of the 13th Phantom.


Oakes came to know the future 13th Phantom during the young Phantom's visits to Pendragon House, the home of Kit's maternal grandparents. Oakes played a major part in capturing shipwreckers, led by the mysterious "Scarecrow". The Scarecrow turned out to be the respectable dr. Gull, once known as the pirate Black Gull. Ben made a bottle ship as a memory of these events. The Ghost Pirates

One year later, the daughter of dr. Gull tried to get him cleared, convinced that he was innocent. She was willing to go very far to get her revenge, however, the 12th Phantom stopped her. Ben was present at these events too. Revenge of the Shipwreckers

Sometime after this, Ben Oakes travelled to Bengali, where he joined the Jungle Patrol, eventually reaching to the rank of colonel. The Ghost Pirates

It is unknown for how long Ben Oakes was colonel, however, in 1811, in the days of the 14th Phantom, he had been succeeded by Colonel Quartermain. The Hidden Valley


This list of appearances is considered to be complete, with reservations for the possibility of mistakes.

Team Fantomen stories

Title Writer Artist Set in Comments
"The Ghost Pirates" Worker Vallvé 1786  
"Revenge of the Shipwreckers" Reimerthi Giordano 1787  
"The Coast of Chains" Carlsson Spay  

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